
Where they do that at? So this is whats gangsta now? Vandalizing a niggas Wikipedia page. Thats whats really good in the hood? Word? Now, Im not a fan if Gucci Mane, at all, but I somehow ended up on his Wiki, and saw this. (Click Me) Pay attention to whats in red writing.

...I encourage suicide for fun....figuratively (....and literally....)

This is what I do. I shit on nigga....(pause)....this is from my BFF's Facebook wall(click me)....enjoy

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent jus had a thought: even tho we not on best terms right now and im probly gon be upset until you make me better, i still love you to death and would die for you if given the chance... what does this mean? Do i love you that much? i mean of course im just a sacrifice-myself-to-save-the-world kinda guy, but for you it's.... different. Idk i guess im jus crazy, but love'll do that to you. (as if i werent already so far gone BEFORE we met) i still cant imagine being so happy with someone else (is it even possible?) anyway jus thought you should know these things. Period.

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent still angry tho....(M.)

Nobi Joyisa what a coinkie dink....i was just wondering what i was gunna do with the rest of this arsenic...smh...

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent can i have it? imean if you not gonna use it ykno. i could use some potassium nitrate as well.

Nobi Joyisa dude....potassium nitrate is like....smh.....seriously? are you trying to preserve something? make a smoke bomb?......you need a chemistry set...

Nobi Joyisa ....now potassium nitrite......thats what you want...

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent
its an oxidizer, very useful in many applications tho. not just explosives.

Nobi Joyisa i know uses of potassium nitrate....i just told you. and smoke bombs arent explosives

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent admittedly most do deal with pyrotechnics though...

Nobi Joyisa youre embarrassing yourself.

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent and i beg to differ. they are a subcategory of explosives called combustibles or ignitables. jus because their thermoactive field is low and almost harmlus as antipersonnel devices does not render them less than explosives. just like magnesium based flashbangs. they're nonlethal as well but also defined as an explosive device.

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent excuse the errors above, I was rushing.

Nobi Joyisa yes. flash bangs are considered explosive device, because....wait for it....they explode. yay!! where as the reason the subcat exists for things like smoke bombs is because they do not explode. they ignite, which is to the ability to burn. you just explained it to yourself, numbnuts. not explosives. you are really embarrassing yourself. might you start your next researchable in the dictionary....so that when you say things, you actually know what they mean

Nobi Joyisa cant stand when people throw words around because they look nice, but hold no water.....you are really embarrassing yourself

Nobi Joyisa even federal law appreciates the difference between ignition and explosion. smoke bombs arent illegal to manufacture in the home because they arent explosives. where pipebombs are, because they fucking explode...smh....

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent Well something im not particularly fond of is a nigga unwilling, or unable, to have intelligent conversation. Someone like you who would rather criticize rather than inform or correct. So excuse me for being incorrect ONCE, because niggas like you are just so damned perfect. This is why humanity can't advance as a species now, because certain people would rather demean an degrade others rather then help them to be better. Too many people are comfortable with making the decision to just point out whats wrong rather than take action and make it right. I am man enough to admit I am wrong when i see it, and even more so to where I can help a fellow up rather than tear him down. A quality too many people now live without. It is nigh impossible to distinguish a problem from a solution when you are too blinded by your own ego and what you can do to elevate yourself (and that includes taking down others). So rather than tear you down as some would, I invite you to converse with me, and be as a man would. So that we man LEARN from each other and become better people. As opposed to us taking turns informing each other as to how ignorant and stupid we can be. Other than that, I really hope that natural selection weeds all of you out soon, because I personally do not want my family or my children to have to deal with people like you. Even the wisest of men can embarrass himself, but only a Fool embarrasses his people. Dumbass.

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent At this point I take my leave. Good day to you sir.

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent Love you brittney.

Nobi Joyisa HA!! You really dont get it.
1. You just said that to a nigga who was, in round about way, telling you to kill yourself.
2. I wasnt being critical in place of being informative and corrective. I was doing it in addition to it.
3. You probably just wrote the most critical bit in this conversation with your diatribe. smh...atleast have the grace to do it with subtlety. Its your ego thats the issue. If you really felt like humanity blah blah blah, then you prolly would have done the grown up thing, and just left it alone. But, you chose to embarrass yourself again.

Vintage red herring & ad hominem abusive.....smh.....

All i was saying, anyway, was: you could take the potassium nitrate and get a stomachache and severe dehydration, or you could do yourself a favor and take the potassium nitrite and kill yourself.--Joyisa

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent Well i apologize for not stooping all the way down to that level. I do not mean to embarrass myself but alas i am imperfect. I pray that i can grow with time. I wish you long life and prosperity my young brother, As I hope you do for me.

Nobi Joyisa nigga get off that pedestal. you see what you typed. you did, in fact, stoop down.....quit embarrassing yourself dog. every time you type you just re-etch this shit into stone....smh....

Koy Shugotenshi-Ookami Laurent As do you, but I am finished. You wont pull me down anymore. God Bless You. (FYI- I am of Canis-Lupus descent, particularly a Wolf, not just a dog.)

Nobi Joyisa God youre lame.

....Goddamn it....smh.....

(Click the picture [or here] for the story, incase youre as late as I am)

WHAT DID I JUST SAY? WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY?.......you dont know huh? Well, this is what I just said(click here) And then this nigga has to get added to the list of motherfuckers who's making us take steps back. I mean, I get it. People are calling into the question your sexuality, and you need to do shit to....."prove"......?......them wrong. But really? Dont get me wrong though, if she wasnt a young jawn, it wouldnt be (completely) worth shitting on. But come on. Checks and balances, much?

And before you get on me, Im not saying that its Treys fault. There are enough people out there to do that....(the law....the DA.....her parents).....I do understand, but damn nigga.....steps are being taken back regardless. There are other ways.


All in all......that bitch is a complete fucking stranger dog....you didnt even have enough time to check for herpes scars....smh....

ask the young lady or young man whomever to define thirsty and then if they cant define it to take a glimpse in the mirror that usually works one has to be dehydrated to be thirsty and i am far from it!

....no...you do it. Im way more interested in what questions people will ask me....seeing as how this is MY goddamn Formspring....smh....didnt know there was a such thing as a Formspring beef....HA!!

Ask me anything

Why can't the person on your couch spell asshole?

Prolly the same reason that the stalker person cant spell "aura" or why I cant spell "unessasarily."...smh....

Ask me anything

Why do you enjoy such unfunny comedy?

Thats a fucking oxymoron....smh....the question is why dont you enjoy what I enjoy.....

Ask me anything

You DO know your dick isnt an average size. Right? Whoever told you it was....they LIED TO YOU.

....well, by your logic, no has ever lied to me....ever.....(^_^).....funny thing is, Im not even embellishing for a comeback.......smh......who goes around calling people average?.....awaiting unconventionality.....Hate on(...or not....cant really tell if that was supposed to be insulting or complimenting)--Joyisa!!!

Ask me anything

....In other news....

THIS (click me) is basically how I feel all the time....(lately)....smh....

But why be an asswhole....why not just be nice sometimes?

Lemme try to keep this under a billion characters long.

Depends mostly on how you define "asshole," doesnt it? I honestly feel that if you think of me, truly--in your heart of hearts--as an asshole, then one or more of these apply:
1) youre making a pretty hasty and superficial judgement call
2) I dont like you
3) youre shallow
4) you have very thin skin
5) you either lack a sense of humor, or yours differs from mine greatly
6) I dont like you
7) I dont fucking like you
8) you have a very loose lexical definition of "asshole"
9) youre on the bandwagon
10) I really dont fucking like you

That being said, Im kind and caring to fault. Alesia can testify (even though she'd hate to admit it). Im definitely brash at times, if not all the time.....I can be pretty bull headed, and I try to make sure my arrogance is peppered meaningfully, not superfluous. But I work with organised chaos in mind. I dont care about most of the shit you guys care about, and....I care more about shit you dont care about.....I have a different set of guidelines that lead me. Most people in general will have something negative to say about ANYTHING different or anything they dont have a complete understanding. Its just a general act of dismissive behavior. Think about it: Just because you share a few common traits with something doesnt make you that thing, does it?

I dont adhere to this guise of kindness and caring that most of you subscribe to, esp in the south. For what? Not my culture. Not my cup of tea. I piss people off in the family because I tell people I dont like someone Im related to.....because the consensus is that you are to like and respect someone because they are related to you, because of how they are related to you, and/or because of some other shit I think is bullocks. Piss off.

......that and I have a reputation to uphold. I may or may not have deserved the title, but I have embraced it because the good outweighs the bad. It deters much of the bullshit, and people who would otherwise be hurt later rather than sooner, and garners me the attention I need to make what I need happen, happen. Master Plan, ya dig?

Besides, Andy Dick is an asshole.


Ask me anything

You know you're full of shit. Right?

HA!! I suppose....Thats what my asshole is for, so I shouldnt be for long.....in hindsight, Id rather be full of shit, than hate & fear. Love how Im getting more hate with anonymity, than hate vis-a-vis......smh....Hate on (^_^)

Ask me anything