Please Learn from this Female

Please......I beg you PLEASE dont be this female.

So, I holla'd at this scunt on Tagged, and she turned out to be younger than originally advertised....smh....(You younglings need to stop lying about your age)......but I was thinking Id let bygones be bygones and see whats up. Well, said scuntina starts hawking me, and I get this vibe that she's treating me like a the course of 3 hours.......her....Youll read the rest:

Meeshell (7X0) 3X4-9XX6 - mobile
12/26/10 1:52 AM

Meeshell (7X0) 3X4-9XX6 - mobile
12/26/10 2:05 AM

Me: whats poppin? 6:24 PM
Meeshell: Nothing. Why you never answer my calls? 7:17 PM
Me: holidays. been pretty busy 9:57 PM
Me: ill call you tonight 9:57 PM
Meeshell: Oh oj 10:24 PM

Then the next morning....smh....

Meeshell: Well. C you didnt call me. 10:24 AM
Me: Ayo 9:07 PM
Meeshell: What? 9:08 PM
Me: Hey. I was at work 9:08 PM
Meeshell: Sure. Okay... So why dis you liw in the first place 9:12 PM
Me: What? That doesn't make sense 9:13 PM
Meeshell: It said so why did you lie in the first place. 9:18 PM
Me: What did I lie about? And why would you believe id have a reason to? 9:18 PM
Meeshell: Man fuck it.. You claim you grown but yet you playin lil boy gamws... Right now i aint got time for dis bull 9:20 PM
Me: I claim? Bitch, I don't know you? We had 1 conversation. How are you going to even begin quoting shit I've said? I have said shit, but, "ill call you tonight". And yes, it didn't happen because I have grown responsibilies. I don't even know why I'm explaning myself to you, cause you don't even know me. Lol 9:24 PM
Meeshell: Really? Oj 9:25 PM

Meeshell (7X0) 3X4-9XX6 - mobile
12/27/10 9:25 PM

Meeshell (7X0) 3X4-9XX6 - mobile
12/27/10 9:29 PM

....Yeah.....I hope that those of you whom read my blogs take heed of the life lessons I provide.....I dont want any of you to end up on Nobi's $hit List......but for the rest of you, please do what it takes to end up on Nobi's $hit List.....I love the ammunition.

Today's shit is brought to you in part by: Boredom

Today's shit is dedicated to Jamila Tindell of Berkeley Hights, New Jersey(click me). She thought it would be cool to add me on facebook ONLY because we are both Virgos, and my birthday is a day before her's. Welp.......there are some things that i believe you just shouldn't tell if we became friends and she told me way down the line, this might be a funny story....but to start off with a random friend request, then a conversation like this (keep in mind, I sent my message BEFORE facebook told me I had a message waiting):

Nobi Joyisa December 5 at 8:06pm
Hey. Whats goodie?

Jamila Tindell December 5 at 7:50pm Report
I only want you to be my friend cause you bd is a day b4 mnines virgo rule

Nobi Joyisa December 5 at 8:08pm
That we thoughtful....

Jamila Tindell December 5 at 8:12pm Report
I see you know my lil cousin

just seems a

....smh..... 'Fisa.....whats up with your friends, ma?

First impressions, much?