Wanna see how shit goes down on facebook? (C2CSM)

I said.....

Like most Americans, Im not fluent in English, but I still think its sad that I peaked the interests of so many women lately.....if you dont know why thats sad.....kill yourself.....

......and then it went all down hill from there.....lmfao......click the title to see this shit.....

....The shit that is on the Interweb....

Dont be this guy, please......please......

....because I blog my facebook status' now....(C2CSM)

Before you see that....from now on, when Im linking my post to another website, you see the title followed by C2CSM(click to see source material)....you may want to click the title to see where it takes you.

Some scunt starting an argument with me about comment I made. I said, "Sorry, dear. Can we start over?" She said, "....sure..." I said "Hi Im Nobi." and while she was saying what I presume was "Hey, Im Sha....." I Interrupted with "FUCK YOU!!" and hung up.....and promptly blocked the number. Thats Nobi in a nutshell. Image change, in progress......Law 25...Strategies 23 & 24 (yeah...Im on strategies now)...Joyisa!!