why are u so lame?

Because its whats gets me the attention needed to get this money. Why do you care so much?

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/itsNobi

....slang is cool.....but lets keep it as english....

I really cant stand it when mofo's replace "t's" with "d's" (i.e. "dhe/dha" or "dhat").

Are we serious ladies(and really gay niggas)? This shit is not cool.....not cute....its visually disturbing.....its as bad when mofo's use doubt letters and alternating caps. I Ccant stAaNd to sEe dHis shit......fags......ooooo or when bitches use "sz" combination where "s's" should be, like "kiszesz" or anything like it. Come on.....youre like 20.....stop being 9 just cause youre on the internet.