People don't care. Not really. Not about your life, your feelings, or any of the bullshit you go through. All people are about is themselves.
They pretend to be your friend only when it's advantageous for themselves.

There's no such thing as selflessness anymore. There are no more genuinely good people left in the world. And that just sucks.

........Annnnddd people just KEEP PROVING to me how selfish they really are! I'm learning very quickly that the people who I used to believe cared about me the most really don't give a fuck. They just want to keep me around so that they can easily take advantage of my kind heart.

Since people like me are so scarce.


It's a real shame that you can trust no one in this life....

My solution:
I'm becoming numb.
Slowly but surely, I'm losing feeling about everything and everyone. I'm losing my faith in humanity.
And hopefully, once its gone, I'll be safe from people and their manipulative bullshit.



So, before you think its about her hair.......its not....its about the addition of a letter in her name.....smh....its no longer "Amerie"...its "Ameriie". I really dont have anything to say about that....except....
Fucking moronic.....cant wait for the next album, though....

BTW Willow Smith is a beast.
Breezy has arrived!!!! I feel so honored to have received the invitation to co-blog on Nobi's $hit List!!! So, for all you avid readers...... STAY TUNED. Boy do we have a show for you!!!


So, Im gunna make a few changes....Im gunna add some pages. Im on a steady path to invite more contributors to my blog, because I have like minded people in my circle, but they think differently enough that we can get perspective. Every author will have their own page where (*hopefully*) you can tune into them more directly, incase the plethora of shit isnt too much your cup of tea. And it seems as though, everyone has their own blog(s), so maybe (if they dont care) I can have a mirror here, or at the very least a link to all their other public works. Shit will be changed and added when its changed and added. Dont ask.